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The Summer Soldiers by Mark James Miller

The Summer Soldiers by Mark James Miller


The Summer Soldiers

Mark James Miller

Black Rose Writing, 403 pages

9781685131623, 3.23.23

Overall Rating = 4.08

Storyline & Concept = 5

Writing & Delivery = 4.5

Editorial = 3.5

The Summer Soldiers is the sequel to the wonderful The White Cockade, both novels following the events of the American Revolution. This second installment begins in 1776 and continues the story of Josiah Hartford as he and his friends fight for freedom alongside George Washington against the formidable British army and their brutal Hessian counterparts. Actual historical experiences are interwoven into the fictionalized life of Josiah, who searches for missing family members, struggles with his feelings for a woman, and fights his own battle against a friend turned enemy.

The author’s skill for creating vivid and realistic settings and characters shines through once again in this follow-up novel. The reader is easily immersed in the period and can feel the rough conditions, the cold and damp weather, and the pain of hunger, as told through the eyes of Josiah Hartford. The plot deftly intertwines Josiah’s story to move the reader to the right place and time to witness famous events that helped form American history. This was another thoroughly engrossing read by Mark James Miller, and while the ending wouldn’t be classified as a cliffhanger, it certainly leaves the door open for more to come.

Sublime Line: “Mark James Miller has created another masterful historical fiction novel that brings to life the American Revolution through vivid settings and characters.”




Sublime Book Review



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