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The Monster, Mayhem & Magical Love by Lawrence H. Sola

The Monster, Mayhem & Magical Love by Lawrence H. Sola


The Monster, Mayhem & Magical Love

Lawrence H. Sola

Black Rose Writing, 247 pages

9781685133538, 8.10.23

Overall Rating = 4.17

Storyline & Concept = 4

Writing & Delivery = 4

Editorial = 4.5

In this third book of the series, the author returns to Larry’s world, where everyone struggles to separate him from the Peter Pan fantasy life he created in his life-based novels. Now, he has his true love, but with the onset of the global pandemic, all that he treasures is on the brink of implosion. Conspiracy theories swirl around Larry, past friends and enemies reappear, and he searches his soul for a way to save his relationship.

Fans of Mr. Sola’s previous books will be delighted to follow the story of Larry, aka Peter Pan, and how he faces the challenges of a new world during the pandemic. This novel changes pace from The Gym, leaning more toward introspection and the reevaluation of Larry’s priorities, but it’s nonetheless enticing to get an inside view of the impact of recent challenges on a character we’ve come to know. The novel is well-written, and the author has given depth and emotion to his protagonist, while changing the tone and style of his writing from his previous work. It’s a quick read, easier to follow, and every bit as thought-provoking.

Sublime Line: “An entertaining sequel to Mr. Sola’s Peter Pan series, taking the reader on an emotional roller coaster ride.”




Sublime Book Review



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