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Serabelle by Tavi Taylor Black

Serabelle by Tavi Taylor Black



Tavi Taylor Black

Black Rose Writing, 282 pages

9781685134068, 4.25.24

Overall Rating = 4.96

Storyline & Concept = 5

Writing & Delivery = 5

Editorial = 4.9

Born into her profession, the young and naive Mabel arrived at the Serabelle coastal cottage to serve as a chambermaid for the wealthy Ainsworth-Hunt family. As she navigates her new role, boundaries between her and her superior are blurred, leading her down an unexpected path where her only apparent choice is to wed a gruff gardener. Despite her fragile circumstances, Mabel dreams of a life filled with purpose and meaning, seeking avenues beyond loveless obligation and poverty as a maid. However, times get more challenging at the Ainsworth-Hunt cottage as the flawed dynamics of the wealthy family are revealed and the meticulous order of the cottage is threatened.

Rich in descriptive imagery, Serabelle pulls you into the backdrop of 1913 Mt. Desert Isle, Maine, where social class and status are evident under the roof of the magnificent cottage. Tavi Taylor Black writes a colorful story written with many layers, introducing new characters and their perspectives with impeccable timing. The author skillfully illustrates everyone who serves the Hunt family with depth and curiosity. However, it is challenging for the readers to sympathize with the affluent family. The novel tells a captivating story true to the historical backdrop where the political and social influences dominate, and reality is not sugar-coated. A compelling read for historical fiction fans with an interest in social justice issues still prevalent today.

Sublime Line: “Rich in imagery, this intricate, multi-layered historical novel captivates the reader while delivering a timeless message of resilience and social equity.”

Sublime Book Review



Katharine's Remarkable Road Trip by Gail Ward Olmsted

Katharine's Remarkable Road Trip by Gail Ward Olmsted