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Katharine's Remarkable Road Trip by Gail Ward Olmsted

Katharine's Remarkable Road Trip by Gail Ward Olmsted


Katharine’s Remarkable Road Trip

Gail Ward Olmsted

Black Rose Writing, 225 pages

9781685134327, 6.13.24

Overall Rating = 5

Storyline & Concept = 5

Writing & Delivery = 5

Editorial = 5

Katharine Prescott Wormeley is an independent, intelligent, witty, and accomplished seventy-seven-year-old. She embarks on a solo journey by car from Newport, Rhode Island to Jackon, New Hampshire and, in six days, experiences events that many never do. This includes saving lives, giving life advice to strangers, meeting old friends and making new ones. But those six days are a reflection of the life she led as a volunteer nurse during the Civil War, an author, a translator of famous French novels, a philanthropist, a hospital administrator, and a founder of a vocational school for young women.

With her outstanding writing skills, Ms. Olmsted delivers a novel that mixes truth and fiction in an exceptional package. Using real-life historical characters, events, and references, the reader is treated to a glimpse into the charming and captivating life of a woman who was and should be upheld as an inspiration. Living during a time when women didn’t have the right to vote and were expected to aspire to marriage and children, Miss Wormeley chose to take another path, living a successful and fulfilling existence in her own right. A wonderful novel, the author immerses the reader in Katharine’s life and those of her secondary characters in this most engaging work of historical fiction.

Sublime Line: “Embark on the trip of a lifetime alongside Katharine Wormeley, an inspirational and charming historical character – a must-read!”

Sublime Book Review



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