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Junker Blues by Chris Kelsey

Junker Blues by Chris Kelsey


Junker Blues

Chris Kelsey

Black Rose Writing, 235 pages

9781684339549, 5.26.22

Overall Rating = 4.5

Storyline & Concept = 5

Writing & Delivery = 4.5

Editorial = 4

Emmett Hardy returns in the latest novel in Chris Kelsey’s exciting series. The story begins with the discovery of the body of a young man, and it doesn’t take long for the small-town Oklahoma police chief to think it might be connected to other recent murders in the area. Unfortunately, he has to conduct his investigation from the sidelines and in secret while the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation leads the charge. Emmett struggles with his personal demons as he searches for justice and the connection between the seemingly random series of murders in his hometown.

I confess that I’m a fan of this author’s work. He has an easy style, and the development and interplay between his characters are always very well done. The novel is peppered with an entertaining wit and gives the reader a nostalgic look at a small-town in the 1970s. It was a quick read, mainly because of the fast pace, the intrigue, and the need to know what would happen next, making it difficult to put down. It is one of several in a series, but the backstory is handled in such a way that it can easily be read on its own. This is a novel that would have a wide appeal to mystery or thriller fans, or anyone who wants to be drawn into a story just for the entertainment value. Another highly recommended work from Chris Kelsey.

Sublime Line: “Chris Kelsey hits another home-run with this fast-paced and enthralling mystery starring Emmett Hardy.”

Sublime Book Review



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