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A Winter of Chains by Jason Koivu

A Winter of Chains by Jason Koivu


A Winter of Chains

Jason Koivu

Black Rose Writing, 382 pages

9781684339556, 6.2.22

Overall Rating = 4.58

Storyline & Concept = 4

Writing & Delivery = 5

Editorial = 4.75

In this third of a series, Ford Barlow is shipped as a prisoner to an island to serve an undeserved sentence. His thoughts continually revolve around escaping. When he finally puts his plan into action, he and his friends find themselves captive in an underground city where they deal with malicious dwarves and blood-curdling creatures, and escape is even more elusive.

Jason Koivu’s novel is filled with adventures from start to finish, the action rarely subsiding. At some points, I felt the need to stop and take a breath. His world-building is especially well done, with settings that are brought to life with cinematic vividness. I hadn’t read the first two novels in the series, but A Winter of Chains can easily be read as a standalone. I wasn’t left feeling lost or disoriented. However, after experiencing the high quality of the writing and being drawn in by the characters and non-stop action, reading the first two novels would be recommended. This is a book that is a must-read for fantasy or action-adventure fans.

Sublime Line: “Jason Koivu has created a must-read fantasy adventure with impressive world building and welldeveloped characters.”

Sublime Book Review



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