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Dragonflies at Night by Anne Marie Bennett

Dragonflies at Night by Anne Marie Bennett


Dragonflies at Night

Anne Marie Bennett

9798616535610, 301 pages, 09-22-2020


Overall Rating = 4.08

Storyline & Concept = 4

Writing & Delivery = 3.75

Editorial = 4.5

Dragonflies at Night is a tale about Savannah, a party planner, and Ben, a celebrity singer and songwriter, and the effect their love has on them and the other people in their lives. Savannah, a woman who has suffered loss and grief, harbors fears relating to her long-distance relationship with Ben, while he wants nothing more than someone who loves him for himself.

 This novel leans heavily on the romance between Savannah and Ben, and, early on, I thought I knew in which direction the plot was heading, only to be proven wrong. The story conveys an important message of positivity and hope. I especially enjoyed the spiritual connection between Savannah, her mother, and her aunt, along with the symbolism of the dragonfly. Occasionally, the pace is slowed by too much detail, but the author does an admirable job of engaging the reader with well-fleshed-out characters.

 Sublime Line: “The power of love is the theme of this well-written story about a couple who have to overcome their fears and insecurities in order to find happiness, while drawing on the support of loved ones, both present and past.”

Sublime Book Review



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