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BloodLaw by Blaise Ramsay

BloodLaw by Blaise Ramsay



Blaise Ramsay

Indies United Publishing House, 276 pages

9781644561867, 11-25-2020


Overall Rating = 4.42

Storyline & Concept = 4.25

Writing & Delivery = 4.5

Editorial = 4.5

BloodLaw is a story about a detective who experiences an unexpected twist of fate during the time of Prohibition in Chicago. The man, Alastair, narrates his evolution from human to vampire while he works on an important case involving dangerous criminals. As the story unravels, the reader is kept on their toes while Alastair seeks to find out who is behind the murders happening in the shadows of Chicago, as well as the motive behind his own demise.

The detailed imagery throughout the book illustrates an authentic and realistic portrayal of Chicago during this time, and the author’s use of language further strengthens the originality of the story. Ramsay plays with the senses in his descriptions, complimenting the narrator’s journey as both a vampire and a detective. He succeeds in creating interesting characters that provoke a sense of intrigue in the reader, and the motive of the seductive and dangerous woman who haunts Alastair teases us throughout the novel. While the concept of vampires in this book is not overly romanticized, both of Alastair’s entanglements deliver a romantic aspect to this well-written story. The novel ends with some unresolved issues, leaving it open for a likely-anticipated sequel.

Sublime line: “BloodLaw uses amazing imagery to combine vampires and detective work into an unpredictable story filled with desire, mystery, and a search for justice that leaves the reader eager for the author’s next book in the series.”

Sublime Book Review



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