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Vivie's Secret by Terry Lee Caruthers

Vivie's Secret by Terry Lee Caruthers


Vivie’s Secret

Terry Lee Caruthers

Black Rose Writing, 221 pages

9781684335275, 7.23.20


Overall Rating = 4.33

Storyline & Concept = 4.75

Writing & Delivery = 4

Editorial = 4.25

Vivie’s Secret is a story about a 12-year old girl, Vivie, and her family, who flee Hungary during the Soviet Invasion in 1956. It begins as the family escapes their home in Budapest, and it follows their journey, as seen through the eyes of the young girl. Once in America, her memories of her beloved cat she left in Hungary and her difficult journey as a refugee are mirrored in her fascination and empathy for the many feral cats she encounters throughout her life. The author makes the reader feel invested and compassionate towards Vivie ‘s character as we are taken through her difficult experiences and growth from a tween to an accomplished woman. There is also an air of mystery regarding the secret that she hints about throughout the novel.

This book uses wonderful descriptions to paint a picture of Vivie’s life, particularly her younger years. It helps us to understand her character and the hardships her family overcame. Her 12-year old point of view maintains a childlike innocence and lightness amongst the darker subject matter revealed at the beginning of the novel. The time frames and settings change more frequently in her later years, perhaps a bit too often for the reader to appreciate Vivie’s growth as a person. I would like to have seen more of her relationship with Lea. Overall, it is a very well-written and descriptive story of this woman’s life journey.  I would recommend this novel for young adults and adults alike.

Sublime Line: “The author shapes a well-written and poignant story where moments of conflict and tension are balanced by the warmth of Vivie’s connection with the feral cats she rescues.”

Sublime Book Review



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