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Toro by Andrew Avner

Toro by Andrew Avner



Andrew Avner

Black Rose Writing, 141 pages

9781684335237, 9.17.20


Overall Rating = 4.83

Storyline & Concept = 5

Writing & Delivery = 4.5

Editorial = 5

Toro is the story of a Spanish cow, Alicía, who has a dream to run with the bulls in Pamplona. Since she is a cow and forbidden to participate, she defies her father’s wishes and hatches a plan that involves Diego, who wishes to become an American rodeo bull.

This story is written for an age level of 8-12 and would have widespread appeal for both genders. It involves action and romance, with a dash of humor from the sidekicks that come in the form of a hog and a lynx. Most importantly, apart from the vivid descriptions of Pamplona, Spain and the value of learning about other countries and traditions, there are essential lessons about loyalty, honesty, and following your heart. This novel has all the elements necessary for a Disney-style movie and will certainly retain the interest of young readers.

Sublime Line: “A highly appealing novel for youngsters that delivers important messages and themes in an entertaining and charming style.”

Sublime Book Review



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Growing Up Meathead by James B. Zimmerman

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Torched: Summer of '64 by Joe Edd Morris