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The Other Hamlet Brother by Luke Swanson

The Other Hamlet Brother by Luke Swanson


The Other Hamlet Brother

Luke Swanson

Black Rose Writing, 263 pages

9781684336340, 2.11.21


Overall Rating = 4.5

Storyline & Concept = 4.25

Writing & Delivery = 4.75

Editorial = 4.5

Luke Swanson’s The Other Hamlet Brother introduces us to a previously unknown character from one of Shakespeare’s most famous plays. Hamlet’s twin brother, Tim, spent the last five years in London, working as a playwright, until he is called back to Denmark to investigate the death of his father and evaluate the mental health of his brother. His journey is burdened with one obstacle after another, but it gives him the opportunity to meet new friends and enemies along the way, all of them Shakespeare stars in their own right.

This novel is a fast-paced, witty take on ‘what could have been’ if Hamlet had had a twin brother living under the radar in London. The rendition weaves fantasy, comedy, mystery, and literary fiction throughout, while remaining basically true to Shakespeare’s characters and a wide view of the original storyline. The author does an excellent job with his own character development and uses wit and ingenuity to create a backdrop of ‘Shakespeare’s Greatest Hits’ throughout the story. The contemporary language and modern references create some laugh-out-loud moments, while other scenes capture the difficult and heart-breaking emotions found in the classic tragedy. A very entertaining novel.

Sublime Line:The Other Hamlet Brother is a humorous, fast-paced version of Shakespeare’s classic with more than a few surprises and laugh-out-loud moments.”

Sublime Book Review



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