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The 410 Club by Victor Loun

The 410 Club by Victor Loun


The 410 Club

Victor Loun

Black Rose Writing, 227 pages

9781684333981, 12.26.19


Overall Rating = 4.19

Storyline & Concept = 4.5

Writing & Delivery = 4.5

Cover Marketability = 3.75

Editorial = 4

The 410 Club by Victor Loun is a 1970s coming-of-age story in which the main character, teenager Jasper Bartlett, lives with his widowed, alcoholic father in Colorado and spends the summers with his grandparents on their farm in Maryland. Already feeling abandoned by his mother, who died when he was very young, his grief is intensified when his father eventually leaves him in the care of his grandparents. Jasper’s struggles to fit in lead him to develop relationships that result in feelings of betrayal and self-doubt.

This is a well-written novel that immediately pulls you into the character’s mindset. The writer’s voice is rich and charming, and the narrative is filled with wonderful descriptions of the setting, the characters, and their emotions. At times, since it’s written in the first-person point-of-view, the narrative seems too sophisticated to be delivered from a teenager’s perspective, but I was so entranced by the quality of the writing that I was willing to suspend my disbelief.

Sublime line: “An endearing coming-of-age story that will appeal to readers of all ages with its vivid and charming style.”


Sublime Book Review



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