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Price of Vengeance by Kurt Springs

Price of Vengeance by Kurt Springs


Price of Vengeance

Kurt Springs

Black Rose Writing, 307 pages

9781684133627, 2.1.24

Overall Rating = 4.5

Storyline & Concept = 5

Writing & Delivery = 5

Editorial = 3.5

Price of Vengeance is the first novel in a debut sci-fi thriller series. Liam was orphaned as a young child when his parents were murdered by the chiten, who are enormous, violent insects controlled by an unknown enemy. He was adopted and raised by Marcus and Lidia with their older son Randolf. As a man, Liam served in the military alongside his brother and others in the city of New Olympia on the planet Etrusci. As the story unfolds, Liam learns to master his unusual powers to hunt down the mastermind behind the destruction of his family, friends, and his adopted city.

Kurt Springs delivers a highly cinematic thriller in this dark, action-packed adventure novel. The planet Etrusci is well-described, and the action combines high-tech weapons and armor with characters that are diverse and relatable. The planet is also home to creatures both violent and loveable. The novel is by far a good-versus-evil thriller, but the author skillfully weaves in the themes of acceptance and morality with a sub-plot of romance. As expected, there is a high level of violence, but not to the point of being overly gratuitous. This is a very worthy debut of a sure-fire series.

Sublime Line: “A cinematic sci-fi thriller that immerses the reader in non-stop action and suspense.”

Sublime Book Review



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