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Long Division by Sara Fraser

Long Division by Sara Fraser


Long Division

Sara Fraser

Black Rose Writing, 231 pages

9781684332354, 3.27.19


Overall Rating = 4.92

Storyline & Concept = 5

Writing & Delivery = 5

Editorial = 4.75

Long Division is the story of a woman and her family who are torn apart by alcoholism, abuse, and bad decisions. The repercussions follow the characters throughout their lifetimes, leading the protagonist to question her own path in life.

This well-written novel delivers on all levels. The author has seamlessly drawn the characters with all their flaws and qualities in a way that pulls you into their psyches and makes you feel their emotions. The two protagonists, Leigh and her grandmother Gertrude, are far from perfect, but their struggles and their reactions are realistic and well-drawn. The complexities of the relationships, both marital and mother/daughter, are revealed, layer by layer, as the story unfolds, taking us into the past to explain the present.

 Sublime Line: “An exceptionally well-written novel, giving the reader an insight into the lives of the characters with a style and grace that would be the envy of many writers.”

Sublime Book Review



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