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Heir of Darkness by Richard Bellamy & Suha Al Khalifa

Heir of Darkness by Richard Bellamy & Suha Al Khalifa


Heir of Darkness

Richard Bellamy & Suha Al Khalifa

Black Rose Writing, 299 pages

9781684334988, 7.16.20


Overall Rating = 4.33

Storyline & Concept = 5

Writing & Delivery = 4.5

Editorial = 3.5

Set in Bohemia at the end of the 18th century, Heir of Darkness tells a tale of humans, vampires, and ghosts fighting for what they believe in, whether it be for good or evil, for love or hate, or for acceptance or revenge.

This novel was difficult to put down. The characters were exceptionally well-drawn, letting the reader feel their emotions and conflicts, to the point that even the most evil individual could evoke empathy. The action was relentless throughout the book, barely giving the reader time to rest. Yet, along with the action and the battles between the humans, the dead, and the undead, the authors weave in a theme of eternal parental and romantic love, the importance of kinship, and the destructive force of jealousy and pride. The authors know how to spin a tale that will hold a reader’s attention until the very end and leave them wanting more.

Sublime Line: “A powerful, well-written story of love, hate, friendship, ambition, and so much more, delivered with characters you won’t soon forget.”

Sublime Book Review



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