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Extinguishing Shadows by Heather Beal

Extinguishing Shadows by Heather Beal


Extinguishing Shadows

Heather Beal

Black Rose Writing, 311 pages

9781685132828, 9.28.23

Overall Rating = 4.17

Storyline & Concept = 4

Writing & Delivery = 4.5

Editorial = 4

The Viajantes, immortals with magical powers, have existed for centuries alongside their enemies, the vampires. Mara, who has been guarding a secret since childhood, is on a mission to find the vampire responsible for the death of her Viajante family. She makes some surprising alliances along the way, including a vampire who claims her as his soul. The two follow a twisted and dangerous path to try to find the secret behind the attack against Mara’s family.

This novel takes the vampire trope a step further with the creation of a rival band of immortals who possess their own unique powers. The author uses the common premise of a woman searching for answers to a childhood tragedy, only to be helped by a handsome stranger, who wouldn’t be approved of by her family. Except, in this case, the protagonists are immortal, blessed with strange powers, and come up against a level of violence rarely seen in romance novels and never seen by mere mortals. The world-building and character development is very well-done, with vivid descriptions and cinematic scenes. For fans of Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight series, this would be a must read. And, as with that series, the reader is left with the sense that there is more to come.

Sublime Line:Extinguishing Shadows is a vivid, imaginative, paranormal adventure filled with action and romance.”


Sublime Book Review



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