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Bloody Pages by Bruce Lewis

Bloody Pages by Bruce Lewis


Bloody Pages

Bruce Lewis

Black Rose Writing, 209 pages

9781685130046, 8.11.22

Overall Rating = 3.33

Storyline & Concept = 3.5

Writing & Delivery = 3

Editorial = 3.5

The second book in a series by Bruce Lewis, Bloody Pages features Detective Kim Jansen who leads a case of the theft of rare historical books and a brutal attack on a security guard. The crime is centered on an old family secret that was found in hidden journals. The difficult subject of intergenerational violence is a common thread throughout the story.

This novel starts out with a strong hook and slowly moves on to set up the theme and main plot of the story. The protagonist, Detective Kim Jansen, is introduced several chapters later when the case is assigned to her. From there, Jansen needs to solve the crime of which the reader is already aware. Mr. Lewis does an admirable job of describing the setting and developing his characters. However, some of the characters, often described as smart and savvy, make very unwise decisions. Although this novel is part of a series, the backstory is well-handled, and it can easily be read as a standalone.

Sublime Line: “The theft of priceless books moves a disturbing social illness into the spotlight in this second detective novel by Bruce Lewis.”



Sublime Book Review



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